The Businessman, Philosopher, and Teacher

3-R Thursday 


The Businessman: Systematic thinker. Geared toward optimization and profit maximization. Problem solver by nature. Broker of time, resources. Connects dots within network. 

The Philosopher: Explorer. Adventurer. Mountain climber. Farmer and shepherd alike. Connoisseur of ideas. To borrow from Nietzsche: 

“It may be required for the education of a philosopher that he himself has also once stood on all those steps on which his servants, the scientific labourers of philosophy, remain standing; he himself must perhaps have been critic and sceptic and dogmatist and historian and, in addition, poet and collector and traveller and reader of riddles and moralist and seer and ‘free spirit’ and practically everything, so as to traverse the whole range of human values and value-feelings and be able to gaze from the heights into every distance, from the depths into every height, from the nook-and-corner into every broad expanse with manifold eyes and a manifold conscience. But all these are only preconditions of his task: this task itself demands something different - it demands that he create values.”

Beyond Good and Evil, 211

The Teacher: Who then is the Teacher? A reconciliation of the Businessman and Philosopher? Something else entirely? 

Education is, as a minimum, the pursuit of knowledge, which frees the mind, promotes piety, fortifies one's calling, and prepares the soul to be wise and virtuous. 

As C.S. Lewis said, educators should "irrigate deserts" rather than "cut down jungles." Education is both a tool and a path; a mountain to climb and a sight to see; a bridge to build and a legacy to bestow. 


I suppose being an attorney is a combination of the Businessman, Philosopher, and Teacher. Throw in "Counselor at Law" as a job title and that shakes up the whole paradigm. We all wear different hats. No one-size-hat-fits-all around these parts. 

The Philosopher and the Businessman are often at odds with each other. 

The Philosopher paves the path forward. 

The Businessman allocates the necessary resources so the journey can continue.

And the Teacher? The Teacher documents the journey to ensure others can follow the path—insofar as the path is worth following. He is the guide. The helping hand. A bridge. Tool. Road sign. Word of Encouragement. Sign of Hope. 


Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie